Fire Damage Leads for Local Companies
Whether a fire is large or small both often result in a significant amount of damage to property. When families and businesses are distraught from dealing with the destruction caused by fires many local companies across the U.S. step in to restore their homes and workplaces, allowing people to get back to their normal lives in a timely fashion.
If your company is in the business of fire damage restoration you know just how delicate these moments can be for the people involved. This is why it is important to reach your clients in an appropriate manner. Being too intrusive can often turn people away from your company and result in a bad reputation. The question is then, what is the best way to increase your business without being too abrasive in seeking out your clients? This is where our company, 33 Mile Radius provides a very helpful service. We make it easy and natural for your clients to get a hold of you, increasing your fire restoration leads.
Two of the most common ways that restoration companies come into contact with their clients is by the individual seeking them out, as well as people’s insurance companies working with restoration companies. 33 Mile Radius’s water damage leads and fire damage leads brings both of these clients to your business.
Seeking Out a Specialist
When people seek out a fire restoration specialist they will almost always look up the company online. When the keyword search is placed our website will come up and they will be directed to a webpage where they can place their zip code. From here a phone number is displayed and we bring the customer into contact with your local company, where you acquire their business. To put it simply, we take care of everything, all you have to do is pick up the phone.
Working through Insurance Company Referrals
Our company works alongside of many local insurance agents and insurance companies. When people in your area are dealing with fire damage they will contact their insurance companies for help. From here the insurance company calls us, in which we will then connect the call to your phone. The process is simple, in that after you sign up with our company your fire damage leads will increase and benefit your company overall.